One of Scotland’s best musical exports playing in one of Scotland’s best live venues. A match made in heaven. A crowd was quickly starting to form outside the famous Barrowlands Ballroom in Glasgow to see Frightened Rabbit play after a six month wait. They weren’t alone, however. They had two excellent support acts that really impressed me, Savage Mansion & PAWS. Two bands that did an awesome job at getting the crowd ready for the night of indie rock goodness that lay ahead of them. First up was Savage Mansion, a band I wasn’t familiar with but after seeing them open the show, I’ll be keeping an eye & and an ear out for them in the future. Their punchy blend of noise and indie rock was the perfect introduction to the night. They’re definitely an act to remember.

“Come forth and be judged accordingly” Was the introduction from the second support act, PAWS. A mainstay in the Scottish music scene, these guys were an excellent follow up from Savage Mansion. Their punk infused indie noise didn’t give the crowd a chance to stagnate, the energy levels in the room were kept at a constant high. Overall, a solid set from the 3-piece, despite some slightly awkward chat from the drummer. A surprise appearance from Frightened Rabbit frontman, Scott Hutchison midway through PAWS’ set didn’t go amiss either. I daresay this helped get the crowd on their side.

Finally, it was time for Frightened Rabbit to take to the stage, which they did to a riotous surge of applause from this thoroughly warmed up crowd. They didn’t waste any time with getting the crowd going with their blend of indie rock and electronic ambience, opening with a fan favourite ‘Get Out’ After which the hits just kept coming and coming, ‘Keep Yourself Warm’ & ‘Backwards Walk’ were particular favourites of mine. “We’ve been looking forward to this for the past six months, and you’ve just made our year” Was the sentiments from Scott Hutchison. I have a good feeling this sentiment was echoed by the Glasgow crowd. There was definitely something magical in the air that night, everyone in the crowd was having a blast, as were the 5-piece on stage. This was a night to remember for every single person in that room. I just hope Frightened Rabbit don’t make us wait another six months before they play here again.

Words: Richard Robinson
Pictures: Rebecca Brierley