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Amplified Festival - Thoughts on the Initial Line Up

Jack Kirby

As Summer hits its full swing, there's only one place to be from the 19th to the 21st of July. That's in a glorious field in Gloucestershire for the upcoming Amplified Festival. Not only will it be jammed with the best people in the world (looking at you metal-heads), but there's also an insane amount of incredible live music. Let's have a look over what's in store.



Some people argue that the opening day of a festival is typically the weakest, but looking at the cross-section of bands across the weekend, it's hard to say there's a weak day. Friday is stuffed to the brim with bands. Our eyes initially jump to the thrash heads from Sweden, Septekh, who will be kicking it on the Very Metal Art Stage before the stage headliners Conan, who themselves will be bringing their awesome version of doom metal to the fields of Gloucestershire. But it's hard to pick if we're going to be there or over on the main stage where the run of three bands to close of Friday night is honest to god jaw dropping. With Kingdom of Giants, who we can't wait to see perform live after their Simulation tour in the states, followed by Bloodshot Dawn, the Portsmouth legends and finally finishing off with the Ukrainian Jinjer, who may even tease some of their upcoming 4th album… All in all, Friday is definitely the way to start a festival.


Let's carry on the similar format at we did with Friday and mention the first name that catches us. Black Orchid Empire. Named as one to watch by a huge amount of outlets in 2018, there's no doubt why. This melodic power band have just nabbed a support slot on the upcoming Skunk Anansie tour and another with Ravenface. One of the rising bands you should watch whenever you can. Moving up the lineup, Byzantine and Flotsam and Jetsam stand out as part of the VMA stage, two bands who match their sound with presence, and the ever both most entertaining and metal bands to grace the earth, Lawnmower Deth are holding a nice slot on the main stage.

Ok, but we can't talk about Saturday without mentioning the headliners. Mushroomhead are undoubtedly one of the most entertaining bands to watch live. Not only do they provide both incredible live music, but the way the control a crowd and perform on stage is just a joy to behold. This will quite easily be one of the biggest highlights of the weekend.


Ok, we need to stop talking about G's Bar and working up, but by god you need to go watch Sundays headliner. Hands Off Gretel are without a second thought unmissable. I can't underestimate the raw power behind the grunge Yorkshire band. VMA again seem to have the choice to watch before the headliner, with The Men Who Will Not Be Blamed For Nothing getting a great slot for them, but main stage will be difficult to pull away from, with Wolf Jaw, The Amorettes and Arnocorps all performing throughout the day. Closing off main stage is the Whitfield Crane fronted Ugly Kid Joe. It's a tough choice for us, between them and Hands Off Gretel, so we leave the final closing of Amplified Festival 2019 up to you.

But this isn't even it for Amplified, these are purely the first wave of bands. With more to come, this is getting set up to be one HELL of a weekend.

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